Sunday, June 6, 2010


The next day Zigzag claimed it was his birthday. No one believed him but he claimed it was July 8. While I was trying to figure out how long I had been at camp, Zero astonished me again with his math skills. He calculated that I had been at the Camp for Forty-Six days.
While getting his breakfast Zigzag asked Mr.Sir for an extra carton of juice because it was his birthday. It was shocking. Mr.Sir actually gave it to him.
When we went out on the lake I kept gazing into the distance, searching for the thumb. Sometimes I wondered if it really was actually there. I thought that this could have been where my great-grandfather had been robbed. Could Kissin Kate Barlow have lived near here? Could this be the spot?
The guys really ticked me off later. They kept at me for letting Zero dig my hole. They made a big deal about how I was supposedly better than them for letting Zero dig my hole. Zigzag later challenged me. I tried to back away but he kept at me, pushing and shoving me all over the place. Then Mr.Pendaski told me to hit him back. When I tried, Zigzag came on me, pounding me with his fists. Before anyone knew it, Zigzag was off me. Zero had him in a chocking hold and was squeezing hard. Armpit rammed into both of them and freed Zigzag. Mr. Pendaski fired his pistol into the air and all the councillors came running. The Warden came and started asking questions. Then the fact came up that I had Zero digging part of my hole. I tried to explain the deal I had with Zero but the councillor started quizzing Zero on the things that I had taught him. Once Zero had failed on the third question, all the councillors started making fun of him. Then the Warden made it clear that I had to dig my own hole. She also told me that I wasn't allowed to teach him to read and write. They said this made him dangerous. This infuriated me. Then Zero said that he wouldn't dig another hole. He then took a shovel and hit Mr.Pendaski over the head with it. He was knocked unconscious. The councillors drew there guns while Zero slowly backed farther and farther away. The Warden ordered them not to shoot him but to guard all water sources so that when he returned they would bring him to her. At that moment I wanted to hit her like Zero had hit Mr.Pendaski. She then ordered us to dig all seven holes. I was infuriated at everyone. I was angry at myself to. I should have never let him dig my hole and now I was digging his. I thought about running after him into the desert but restrained myself. I tried to think of a way to get Zero back but there was no way. The thumb was to far and there was no way to reason with the Warden. And on top of that X-Ray would be out to get me if I ever told the Warden where I really found the tube. There was no way I could help Zero.
When I got back to Camp, I found Mr.Sir, Mr. Pendaski and the Warden waiting for me. They bombarded me with questions in a hope to locate Zero. What they did next shocked me and filled me with rage. The Warden told the staff to eliminate all of Zero's files from the Internet. They wanted to make Zero disappear. They wanted him to die.
The next day a new kid joined our group. His name was Twitch and was arrested for stealing cars. I couldn't stop thinking about Zero. I wondered if he could really survive.
While out on the lake, Mr.Sir came to fill the canteens. I couldn't stop thinking about Zero. I had to help him. Suddenly I had a thought. What if I could get the truck filled with water to Zero and then drive away? I snuck around to the front of the truck and saw the keys hanging in the ignition. I could steal it! Before I knew it, I was in the truck turning the ignition. At first I couldn't get it to move but as soon as Twitch said to put it in gear I was off. It seemed like as soon as I took off the airbag exploded. I had driven into a hole. I rolled out of the truck and took off running with my empty canteen strung around my neck. I kept walking. Nobody chased me and soon the voices and the sound of the truck's engine were soon behind me. I headed towards the Big Thumb.
I decided to walk a fair distance and then turn back. I couldn't possibly make it all the way to the thumb. As I kept walking there were more and more holes. There were holes everywhere. I kept finding more and more of them. It was mind boggling to think about how many there were. I walked passed one hole full of yellow spotted lizards. I immediately turned and ran. I ran until I collapsed. Then I saw something in the distance. It was a burlap sack. Inside was a sunflower seed. I kept walking towards the mountains. I thought about giving up but the mountain with the thumb kept me going. It encouraged me. I saw a object in the distance. It wasn't on my current path but In decided to head for it. Reaching the thumb was an impossible dream to me. As I drew closer, the shape formed into a piece of a boat. I thought it was kind of funny seeing a boat way out here. As I came even closer, I saw the name Mary Lou painted on the boat. Also I noticed a tunnel that was big enough for a full sized animal to enter through. I heard rustling underneath and I shouted "Hey!". A voice repeated me. An orange sleeve came from under the boat with an arm inside it. I had found Zero! He looked terrible. His face was cracked and his lips were almost white. He asked for water. I told him I didn't have any. He offered me something called sploosh and he then invited me under the boat. It was cooler under the boat with enough light to see. Zero was holding some kind of jar which he smashed the top off of. He drank some and then offered it to me. At first I was hesitant but I soon drank the rich liquid. It was very good. I then told Zero that we had to go back but he refused. He would never go back. A few minutes later Zero was on the ground clutching his stomach in pain. He tried ot reason with Zero to bring him back to camp but he wouldn't go. If he had to, he'd die out here. I then showed him the mountain.
We salvaged as much as we could from the boat and then headed toward the mountain. Soon Zero was clutching his stomach agian. I waited until he was able to keep going to start walking again. We started talking but he fell down in pain again. The sploosh was killing him. When he got up and we continued, he asked for some words to sound out. It helped Zero and me. We kept walking towards the thumb. I thought about dying out here and how much i'd be leaving behind. We both wondered what would be on top of the thumb. Would it save us?
We came to the end off the lake and there was nothing but a giant wall in front of us. We started to climb with Zero barely making it. He groaned in pain all the time now. After Zero had pulled me up a large ledge there was nothing but easy clinbing. We were in the shadow of god's thumb. We zigzaged up the mountainside in a desperate attempt to reach the top.
We kept going out of desperation. When it got darker, bugs came out. In the middle of spelling a word, Zero made an awful noise and keeled over. He threw up and kept going. There were weeds and bugs everywhere. There must be water around we thought. Zero gave a thumbs up and then fell. I tried to get him up but he wouldn't move. Zero laid there. Still. I left our stuff behind and hoisted Zero onto my shoulders and I continued to walk. I kept going with amazing strength from deep within. I made it to the base of the thumb and collapsed into a muddy ditch. The smell of despair hung around me. I suddenly had a thought. You need water to nmake mud! I desperately dug a hole in the mud and licked at the dirty water. I soon pushed Zero's head in, making him drink. I then dug up an onion from the mud and gave half to Zero. It was good.
I woke up in a meadow looking at the thumb. It was a nice colour. I rolled over and drank from the water hole. Then Zero moaned. I decided that I would go get the shovel soon to make the water hole deeper. If I didn't get enough water Zero would die. Zero muttered something and I told him not to speak. He insisted and then when I let him speak he have me a confession. He told me that he was the one who who stole the shoes from the shelter. I forgave him and the confession gave me a good feeling. I fell asleep singing my families song that had been passed on for generations.

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